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Value Proposition

The intention of this product is to provide regulated entities a roadmap and toolset to execute on the technical aspects of your firm's regulatory posture. We establish procedures that are triggered at regular intervals and provide you the assurance that your compliance is a defined working system. The Pylon Engine Compliance Tool will be deployed to regularly inspect your environment for emerging threats, changes and other real-time threats that could impact your business. These are translated from technical jargon into actionable reports and compliance documentation. These reports are structured using industry-best guidelines, giving you a defined path rather than the usual system of putting out the most current fire or threat taking over the front pages.

Most importantly, regulatory systems need to live in an environment of constant-improvement. This will give you peace of mind and, just as importantly, illustrate to regulators and other interested parties that security and goverance is a living process rather than a series of annual checklists that are stored in a drawer the other 364 days of the year.


  1. Conduct a risk assessment: Start the year by conducting a comprehensive risk assessment of your organization's IT infrastructure, applications, and data. This will help you identify potential vulnerabilities and threats and prioritize remediation efforts.
  2. Implement a security awareness training program: Educate your employees on security best practices and how to identify and prevent cyber threats. This can include regular training sessions, phishing simulations, and other awareness campaigns.
  3. Review and update your cybersecurity policies and procedures: Ensure that your policies and procedures are up-to-date and cover key areas such as incident response, data privacy, and access control. Make sure that all employees are aware of these policies and follow them.
  4. Conduct regular vulnerability scans and penetration testing: Use third-party tools and services to test your systems and applications for vulnerabilities and potential weaknesses. This can help you identify and remediate issues before they can be exploited by attackers.
  5. Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA): Require employees to use MFA to access sensitive systems and data. This can help prevent unauthorized access even if passwords are compromised.
  6. Implement data encryption: Encrypt data in transit and at rest to protect it from unauthorized access. This can include implementing encryption protocols for email, file storage, and other systems that handle sensitive data.
  7. Regularly review and update access control: Ensure that access to sensitive systems and data is restricted to authorized personnel only. Review access control policies regularly to ensure that access is appropriate and necessary.
  8. Conduct regular security audits and assessments: Engage third-party experts to conduct regular security assessments and audits to identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance with regulations and best practices.
  9. Review and update disaster recovery and business continuity plans: Ensure that your organization has plans in place to recover from security incidents and other disasters. Review and update these plans regularly to ensure that they are up-to-date and effective.
  10. Stay up-to-date on regulatory requirements: Monitor changes in regulatory requirements related to technology and ensure that your organization is compliant with them.

What is Pylon Engine?

As a regulated company, monitoring and documenting your entire environment is essential. That's why we created Pylon Engine - a comprehensive solution that allows you to follow the CIS-CSC framework and achieve compliance with ease. With Pylon Engine, you can identify vulnerabilities, stay ahead of emerging threats, and gain a competitive advantage in your industry.

One of the key features of Pylon Engine is our suite of products that automates the collection and analysis of benchmarks in CIS-CSC. No more manual data gathering or time-consuming interviews - our solution provides accurate and actionable insights that help you make informed decisions about your security program. With Pylon Engine, you can streamline your compliance efforts and focus on what matters most - protecting your organization.

By following the CIS-CSC framework and using Pylon Engine to monitor your environment, you can mitigate risk and protect your organization against threats. Our solution provides a comprehensive view of your security program, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and stay on top of emerging threats. With Pylon Engine, you can have peace of mind knowing that you're meeting industry standards and best practices.

In today's competitive landscape, demonstrating your commitment to security and compliance is essential. With Pylon Engine, you can gain a competitive advantage and win the trust of your clients and partners. Our solution helps you achieve compliance with ease, streamlines your compliance efforts, and provides comprehensive monitoring and analysis of your security program. With Pylon Engine, you can focus on growing your business and leave the security to us.


Governance is the cornerstone of effective security management, ensuring oversight and management of security strategies, programs, and continuous monitoring. With its focus on orchestration and metrics, governance provides the essential framework for security success, including an invaluable dashboard with a wealth of data and graphs.

In addition to shaping your security vision, governance encompasses policies and procedures that set expectations for everyone involved. And, managing stakeholders is a central aspect of governance, including building relationships with teams, effectively managing upwards, and delivering the right information to senior executives. With governance, you can ensure a comprehensive and effective security program that supports your business goals.

Risk Management

If you're a regulated company, security is crucial. But with so many potential threats and vulnerabilities, it can be hard to know where to focus your efforts. Should you prioritize locking down end-user access, or concentrate on patching vulnerabilities? (The answer, of course, is both!)

To make informed decisions about your security program, you need to perform risk assessments. Traditional risk assessments consider threats and vulnerabilities, but a truly robust program will go further. It will assign quantitative values to each risk, helping senior management and business executives understand the financial implications of different scenarios.

At its core, risk is about impact. What happens if a threat exploits a vulnerability? By understanding the risks you face, you can take steps to protect your organization, your clients, and your reputation. So don't leave your security program to chance. Invest in a comprehensive risk management program that helps you prioritize your efforts and stay ahead of the curve.

Audit & Compliance

For regulated companies, staying on track with your security program is crucial. The NIST and CIS-CSC frameworks are two excellent resources for measuring your success.

Auditing is an essential component of the NIST framework. By evaluating the effectiveness of your controls and measuring your compliance with industry standards, you can identify areas for improvement and stay on top of emerging threats.

Compliance is also a key consideration for both NIST and CIS-CSC. By aligning your program with these frameworks, you can ensure you're meeting the minimum requirements and following best practices. This not only helps you stay on track, but it can also provide a competitive advantage by demonstrating your commitment to security.

While auditing and compliance may feel like a hassle, they're essential for keeping your security program running smoothly. With the NIST and CIS-CSC frameworks as your guide, you can confidently navigate the complex world of security and stay ahead of emerging threats.